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Lockdown contacts: Debbie Craig (MD) 082 872 5429 / Kathy Kraus (GM) 073 201 2024
SimTalent ©

SimTalent ©

We are proud distributors of SimTalent, a Talent Simulation Board Game that brings talent management to life in a fun and interactive way. It allows participants to compete in teams to make talent recruitment, review, development and succession choices to optimise talent ROI over several business periods. Includes real life scenarios and probabilities.



Change is hard and mindsets and skills to think and feel differently when faced with change. We are proud innovators of this Adapt-4-Change highly interactive an gamified board game that was inspired by one of our clients struggling to get the change required from a merger. Designed with neuroscience of learning and change principles and our extensive experience high engagement events. Great as part of change capacity building programs for leaders and HR teams.



Fast, agile, self-driven, digital learning is a critical capability for organisations and individuals. We are proud innovators of this Licence2Learn highly interactive and gamified board game inspired by a client need. Designed with neuroscience and accelerated learning principles from our extensive experience. Great as a kick-off to a leadership or learning journey (or for young talent) to build readiness for a new way of learning, leading and living.