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Catalyst is still operating on a work-from-home basis, only coming to the office when necessary.
Lockdown contacts: Debbie Craig (MD) 082 872 5429 / Kathy Kraus (GM) 073 201 2024

Strategic Change Partners

The Challenge

The VUCA world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity leaves people fatigued, unproductive and disengaged from waves of change.  Leaders and change champions need the capacity and skills to lead and energise people and teams through these turbulent times.

Catalyst Focus

Strategic Change Partners

We co-create strategic change, culture, performance and engagement  journeys with a whole systems approach and deep expertise in understanding people, performance, change, agility, complexity and high performance teams.

Catalyst Offerings & Tools

  • Strategic planning & alignment : Scenario planning, Mind of the Fox, BSC, 7 Ss, scorecard cascading
  • Organisational design : Operating models, engagement models, structures, role profiling
  • Culture & engagement transformation : Culture diagnostic engagement survey, journey planning tools
  • High engagement conferences
  • High performance Teams : Team diagnostic & tools (Catalyst, Ennea 5 Lens, R2 strengths profile)
  • Change management : Change diagnostic, framework, toolkit and capacity building